ClubSport Glasgow (A trading name for the Sports Council for Glasgow)

Membership Application Form

This form should be completed Annually

Membership Application Form
You should send in an application form each year
Payment can be made by Direct Debit or by making payment through digital banking. Details are on the paper application form. Please note that at this moment in time we are unable to accept Cheque payments or Cash due to the temporary closure of the Office. Remember direct debit is the easiest way of paying membership.
If you choose to pay by Direct Debit you should complete the mandate specific to your membership category in the Direct Debit Section below and payment will be taken within 7 days after completing the mandate. The advantage of Direct Debit is that payment will be taken from the designated account each year to keep you in membership, although a membership form does require to be completed each year.




Glasgow CCP

Glasgow CCP


