ClubSport Glasgow (A trading name for the Sports Council for Glasgow)

Payment by Direct Debit

Helps keep your Club in continuos membership

Payment by Direct Debit

If you sign up to Direct Debit it means that the Sports Council for Glasgow will collect your Annual Subscription within 7 days from completion of the mandate and then each year from your designated bank account,. This means that your membership is continuous and so are your membership benefits. You also have the full protection of the Direct Debit Scheme. We will advise you each year of the subscription amount before we make the charge, make sure you have signed up for our Newsletters and Facebook to keep up to date.

If you have already signed up for Direct Debit in past year, you do not need to sign up again. Your Membership Fee will be taken by Direct Debit at the start of April, unless you cancel the Mandate with your Bank. You do still need to complete a Membership Application form to ensure our details are up to date

Your Membership Options

Annual Membership fee is £12 through to 31st March each year for mandate  - Click Here





Glasgow CCP

Glasgow CCP


