ClubSport Glasgow (A trading name for the Sports Council for Glasgow)

Who can join

Membership is from 1st April to 31st March of the following Year

Who can join

Application for Membership

Any constituted sports related club, organisation Sports Regional or Governing Body or individuals who wish to become members must complete a written application for membership which must be submitted by mail, e-mail or through other appropriate media along with a remittance to meet the annual membership subscription; the application will then be considered by the Board at their next scheduled meeting.

The Board may, at its discretion, refuse to admit any club, organisation or individual to membership.

The Board must notify each applicant promptly (in writing, by e-mail, or by any other suitable media) subsequent to a Board meeting, should a decision be made to exclude a potential member from membership. If the decision was to refuse admission, the Board shall return to the applicant the remittance lodged by the applicant under clause 13.

Membership Application Form

This form should be completed Annually

Membership Application Form
You should send in an application form each year
Payment can be made by Direct Debit or by making payment through digital banking. Details are on the paper application form. Please note that at this moment in time we are unable to accept Cheque payments or Cash due to the temporary closure of the Office. Remember direct debit is the easiest way of paying membership.
If you choose to pay by Direct Debit you should complete the mandate specific to your membership category in the Direct Debit Section below and payment will be taken within 7 days after completing the mandate. The advantage of Direct Debit is that payment will be taken from the designated account each year to keep you in membership, although a membership form does require to be completed each year.

Payment by Direct Debit

Helps keep your Club in continuos membership

Payment by Direct Debit

If you sign up to Direct Debit it means that the Sports Council for Glasgow will collect your Annual Subscription within 7 days from completion of the mandate and then each year from your designated bank account,. This means that your membership is continuous and so are your membership benefits. You also have the full protection of the Direct Debit Scheme. We will advise you each year of the subscription amount before we make the charge, make sure you have signed up for our Newsletters and Facebook to keep up to date.

If you have already signed up for Direct Debit in past year, you do not need to sign up again. Your Membership Fee will be taken by Direct Debit at the start of April, unless you cancel the Mandate with your Bank. You do still need to complete a Membership Application form to ensure our details are up to date

Your Membership Options

Annual Membership fee is £12 through to 31st March each year for mandate  - Click Here


Payment By Bank Transfer

Payment By Bank Transfer

One of the ways you can pay your subscription is by Bank Transfer through Digital Banking

Please pay to the following Details

Payee Sports Council for Glasgow
Sort Code 808344           (Bank of Scotland)
Account 00830740
Reference Please put your Club's Name








